Samira Shuruk

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5-Qualities to Look for in a Mind-Body Instructor

Are you looking for classes? Maybe you’ve just moved, maybe your beloved yoga-home just closed, maybe you’re looking to re-vamp your wellness and self-care. Here are 5 qualities to look for in your Pilates, Yoga, Mobility-Stretch and other mind-body movement classes.

  1. Comprehensive instruction: A top-notch mind-body instructor goes beyond merely naming movements and expects you to follow along. They take the time to teach you how to perform each exercise, providing detailed descriptions and guidance throughout the session. By focusing on the execution of the moves, they ensure that you fully understand and engage in the practice. There should be different level classes, so that the levels for novices and beginners can spend more time breaking down the moves, and the upper levels focus on technique, movement and refinement.

  2. Mind-body integration: A quality mind-body instructor emphasizes the connection between your mind and body during the practice. They will explain where you should feel the exercise, the benefits it brings, and guide you on proper breathing techniques. This emphasis on the mind-body aspect enhances the effectiveness of your exercises by up to 33% and promotes the strengthening of neural pathways, fostering a healthier brain in the long run.

  3. Body positivity: In a quality movement class of any kind, there is no room for body shaming. A skilled mind-body instructor embraces the uniqueness of every body and creates a safe and inclusive environment. They recognize that we all have different challenges and strengths, and their role is to help you uncover your own strengths while appreciating and accepting your body as it is.

  4. Versatile cuing: Effective cuing is essential in mind-body instruction. A reputable instructor utilizes various ways to express the same concept, ensuring that everyone can understand the instructions. While they may use certain phrases repeatedly, they will take the time to explain their meaning and provide alternative explanations to cater to different individuals. This skillful use of language allows for clear communication and enhances the learning experience for all participants.

  5. Emphasis on body awareness: A top-quality mind-body instructor places great importance on listening to your own body. They understand the significance of modifications and the need to adjust movements according to your abilities and limitations. Staying updated with modern sports medicine, knowledge, and techniques, they are well-equipped to provide modifications or challenge you when necessary. However, above all, they continually remind you to listen to your body, encouraging you to find your comfortable effort level and distinguish between the sensations of productive work and harmful pain. By fostering body awareness, they empower you to make informed decisions about your practice and prioritize your well-being.

Remember, when seeking a mind-body instructor, keep these essential qualities in mind to ensure you receive the best guidance, support, and transformational experience on your wellness journey.
All Samira’s Pilates, Mobility Stretch and Meditation classes are listed here - she teaches in-studio in Columbia, MD, and streaming online - at GMT-5 time zone.